New Writers Wanted

You may recall, a while back, that we here at TGTRS used to regularly advertise that we were after writers to join the team. Well, with the other projects that Benny and myself have going on, it’s no secret that he’s just not got the time to write regularly for us any more and that my mental health ain’t all it’s cracked up to be. In fact, in the words of Mark Knopfler in the song Badges, Posters, Stickers, T-Shirts, “my mate thinks I’m bloody cracked”.

So it stands to reason that we would be interested in getting someone – or perhaps somefew – to go ahead join the team to try and ease the load a bit. We have a wish list of what we’d be looking to see, for sure, but we’re very flexible on most of it, so please don’t let any one particular aspect put you off.

  1. Applicants must have a decent understanding of the English language and be able to type well using it,
  2. Ideally, an applicant would be able to provide two written pieces a month (or once a fortnight), though more would be very greatly appreciated,
  3. An applicant should be passionate about expressing their honest opinion in a way which highlights that they’ve given serious thought to the matter at hand and be prepared to defend that if challenged in comments.
  4. Ideally, an applicant would be willing to join the site Discord server, in order to maintain easier communications with the team as a whole, as required.

I regret to inform you all that such a role on the team would be unpaid – I will say what I’ve been saying to Benny for 11 and a half years – the day I get paid is the day you get paid. We don’t have word counts, though as standard I personally prefer to aim for at least 800 words. As always, anyone interested in joining the team, please get in touch through any of the options available on the contact us page, or using the form below. At the end of the day, this is a hobby, and if writing opinions is something that you think you’d like to do, then why not do it with us, right?

Ghosts (2019-Present)

Something that’s becoming something of a Christmas tradition for me is binge-watching new shows in the days following Christmas. I suspect it has something to do with depression. I just feel a desire to do something festive or special and, frankly, the best I can come up with is to binge-watch a new show that’s fairly light and fun. This year, my target was BBC’s Ghosts, a show I’d long harbored misgivings about, but was I right to do so?

Continue reading “Ghosts (2019-Present)”

The Best UK Number One Of… 1963

My Sweet Lord, it’s Christmas! What a festive treat this is, for you, to be able to see me talk shit about the various UK Numbers Ones of 1963. Could it get any more on topic? What are you on about? At least one of these has been covered by my Christmas Number One’s series, and it’s possible that another has been covered by my Christmas Number Two’s series! That’s up to two Christmas songs for your own lot of reading! What a bargain!

Continue reading “The Best UK Number One Of… 1963”

Merry Christmas!

There’s not a lot to say here, really, other than what we’ve got in the title, and that we’re going to be taking a short break after today, until New Year. Nothing fancy, nothing special, just a bit of a break from posting because honestly, we post a lot and we need time to unwind. We will be back on January 1st with our annual round-up of how the last year went, aimed more at stock-holders than for audience members, but it gives us something to do over the next week when we get the urge to contribute somehow.

Until then, from all of us here at TGTRS, have yourself a Merry little Christmas, and a Happy New Year!

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (2022)

Well, it’s time for me to dust off my laptop and rattle off another review. Luckily for me, the new Pokemon game was released only a few months ago. Unfortunately for me, I’ve spent much of my time since it came out having an internal struggle over whether it’s a massive step in the right direction or yet another depressing instance of Gamefreak shitting out any old thing because they can. Have I finally reached a conclusion? To be perfectly honest with you, I have no idea, let’s find out together!

Continue reading “Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (2022)”

Best UK Christmas Number Two Of All Time

Just like with last year’s decision on the best UK Christmas Number One of all time, I probably ought to add “so far”, but I won’t. It’s implied. I have thrown far too many hours into the seven pieces that make up this decision, so with very little pomp and circumstance, let’s get to it…

Continue reading “Best UK Christmas Number Two Of All Time”

Best UK Christmas Number Two Of The… 2010s

At the time of writing, I’ve got about a week and a half to get two new music pieces, finish this piece, write about the #1 tracks from 1963, review this years as-yet-unknown Christmas #1, and conclude this series by determining which is the best Christmas #2 of all time. I best get on with it.

Continue reading “Best UK Christmas Number Two Of The… 2010s”

Best UK Christmas Number Two Of The… 2000s

We are, slowly but surely, making our way through the songs. I am rather hopeful that I’ll get these done quicker than I got the last few done – what with the planning to do it, and then not, that kept happening – but we shall have to see. For now, let’s start looking at the UK Christmas #2’s of the 2000s!

Continue reading “Best UK Christmas Number Two Of The… 2000s”

LadBaby – Food Aid

I’m going to be completely honest with you. I’ve chosen this song today for two very selfish reasons. One, I expect there to be a lot of continued conversation about this track over the course of the week and thus, a lot of potential for traffic to read my thoughts on it. Two, because I have every belief that regardless of how it sounds, it will end up being the Christmas #1 this year. My real world money is on Jason Manford, but everything is telling me (and the bookies) that this song right here is going to be #1, which I had every intention of reviewing for the 26th. If I’ve already done it, I can hardly do it again, can I? And I guess that means I’ll have to take the Christmas weekend off proper. Oh no!

Continue reading “LadBaby – Food Aid”

Best UK Christmas Number Two Of The… 1990s

WordPress does this thing where, when you start a new post, it decides to go ahead and give you a prompt. The prompt for this piece was “who do you envy?”, and I take great offense to such a thing. However could they expect me to find the time to list every single person I envy? That would be a full time job! Anywho, here’s the latest post in the Xmas #2’s series I’ve been working on, this time looking at the 90’s.

Continue reading “Best UK Christmas Number Two Of The… 1990s”