Winterbourne – A Very Excellent Day

This was a bit clutch today – I was working through the songs, seeing which I could bring myself to write about and this was the last one I was going to give a quick listen. If it wasn’t this track, you’d instead have been treated to another reminder of our YouTube channel and it’s regular video schedule. As if you need another reminder of that, eh?

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Peaches PRC – Like A Girl Does

On a week when we’ve got a Beatles track at number one (reviewing that last week will save me some work in 2028!) and half the new tracks being Christmas themed songs, I’ve decided to go with something a bit different in two ways.

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Poolside – We Could Be Falling In Love

I write this after having woken up at 5:30am to watch the Japanese F1 GP. Those of you that check out our videos may know that that’s the only sport I really follow, and truth be told I had gotten out of the habit of watching it in recent year and am only back into it this year as a result of an F1 adjacent job that I applied for earlier in the year (and didn’t get!). This, of course, has nothing to do with the song itself, but I do like to treat these intro sections as something completely different, like some sort of diary entry or a more personal piece of engagement with you, the strange individual who thought I might have something worth saying on the subject in question – in this case, We Could Be Falling In Love by Poolside.

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The Rolling Stones – Angry

What’s this? A new album from The Rolling Stones for the first time in 18 years? A lot has happened in the last 18 years. That’s, what, 2005? That’s longer than I’ve known Benny, and other than family member, he’s the person I’ve known longest that I still talk to. Not sure how we should all feel about that, if I’m honest.

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Miley Cyrus – Used To Be Young

I wasn’t sure which song to go with for this week – there were a few names that stood out to me, such as Leave Me For Dead by Gayle, Your Side of Town by The Killers, and Imposter Syndrome by Abby Roberts. I opted for this one, though, from Miley Cyrus, because I think it’s a sentiment that I can sort of relate to. I turn 30 next year and such milestones are always cause for reflection. I have, thus far, done a whole lot of stuff and a whole lot of nothing during my life, and there are times when you need to come to the realisation that, sooner or later, you need to work out what you’re actually going to do and who you actually are as a person. I used to be young, and able to use that as an excuse for my uncertainty. I’m not so young any more, I need to – to use a well worn phrase – get my shit together.

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Victoria Justice – Only A Stranger

Welcome back to New Music Monday, the (almost) weekly post in which I take a random song that was release over the course of the previous week, give it a listen, and review it. The choosing is very dependent on my mood, and on this occasion, I’ve chosen the track because the artwork that accompanies is a clear reference to The Stranger by Billy Joel. I double-checked, through Google, and then I showed my son by grabbing my vinyl copy of The Stranger to prove it to him, who then said “I can’t even see the difference”. Ah, eight year olds. I’ll obviously show you all in the body of this post, so you know I’m not just making stuff up.

Continue reading “Victoria Justice – Only A Stranger”

Carly Rae Jepsen – Psychedelic Switch

We focus, this week, on a single from Carly Rae Jepsen, from her latest album, The Loveliest Time. As you all know, I’m not a fan of albums, or covering them, so I decided against that – a decision helped by the fact I didn’t have the bloody time! So, let’s get into the single!

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